Preventative Dentistry
Our preventative dentistry mission is to create a positive dental experience for all patients. We provide a caring, nurturing environment where your comfort and oral health is of primary importance.
Regular dental cleanings are important to keep the oral cavity healthy and prevent gum disease. Benefits of regular cleanings include plaque removal, cavity prevention, a healthy-looking smile, and fresh breath. Dr. Raines will also check to make sure there are no broken teeth or other problems you may not be aware of. We recommend you get professional teeth cleaning twice a year as a preventative measure and if you have periodontal disease, 3-4 times a year. Dr. Raines will work along with other members of your healthcare team to ensure you maintain your optimal oral health. Have you had a cleaning within 6 months? Call today for an appointment!
Periodontal disease is the next step in the progression of gum disease when gingivitis is left untreated. The bacteria that naturally occurs in our mouth releases harmful toxins which lead to the buildup of tartar, otherwise known as calculus or hardened plaque. At this point, only a dentist’s instrument can remove it effectively from your teeth. When left untreated, periodontal disease will cause gum and bone loss, ultimately resulting in the loss of teeth. Studies have also shown a direct link between heart disease, diabetes, smoking, high blood pressure, and periodontal disease. If you have periodontal disease more frequent cleanings, usually every 3-4 months, are necessary to make sure that your disease remains stable, and no additional bone loss occurs.
Not just for children, fluoride varnish has some serious benefits for the adult dentition. Patients who are experiencing sensitivity, either widespread or localized to a specific tooth, can receive immediate relief after a fluoride varnish application. Additional benefits of fluoride varnish include preventing tooth decay, reinforcing existing restorations, and re-mineralizing any cavities that may just be starting. The newest fluoride varnish allows the patient to eat and drink right after their appointment without having to wait the customary 30 minutes. We just ask that you avoid hot beverages for 1 hour. An application is painless and quick, taking less than 5 minutes and the benefits can last for up to 6 months! At Raines Dental many patients opt to include a fluoride varnish as part of their hygiene appointment, and we make it affordable to do so. Ask your hygienist about fluoride varnish at your next cleaning.